Keith Culver is Professor and Director of the Okanagan Sustainability Institute, University of British Columbia Okanagan. Prior to joining UBC in 2011, Culver held the Econoving International Chair in Generating Eco-Innovation in the UniverSud Paris consortium of universities in Paris, France, where he developed graduate programs in sustainability, and together with his team and industrial partners conducted research focused on the environmental performance of cities. Culver has also taught at the University of New Brunswick (1997-2009) where he was Professor and Director of the Centre for Social Innovation Research.
Culver’s broad background as a researcher and research team-leader includes several projects funded by Genome Canada, Industry Canada, and the Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence program. Culver has been an invited academic visitor at the universities of Oxford and Stirling, and in 2008 he was McCain Visiting Professor in the University of Edinburgh’s SCRIPT law and technology centre. A legal theorist by original training, Culver describes himself as an interdisciplinary, collaborative, and problem-focused researcher who likes best the kinds of problems that cannot be resolved from any one point of view.
Recent and forthcoming representative publications include: Keith Culver and Kieran O’Doherty, eds. Fishing and Farming Marine Iconic Species (University of Ottawa Press, forthcoming 2012); Keith Culver, Rachel Guilloteau, Christelle Hue, “Hard Nodes in Soft Surroundings: A ‘dream of islands’ strategy for urban sustainability” Development 54 No. 3 (forthcoming 2011); Legality’s Borders (Oxford University Press, 2010); and Keith Culver and David Castle, eds. Aquaculture, Innovation and Social Transformation (Springer, 2008).